Be prepared to evacuate quickly with your dog. The bare minimums.

Emergencies and natural disasters are something that we always hope will never happen to us. The recent Marshall Fire in Boulder County is a heartbreaking reminder that we need to think ahead and have a plan when it comes to evacuating with our dogs. Our hearts go out to all those affected by the fire.… Continue reading Be prepared to evacuate quickly with your dog. The bare minimums.

So, you think you want a Husky?

Bringing a dog into your life is exciting! There’s nothing better than man’s best friend to spend your days with. But, when deciding on a dog it’s important to choose wisely. There’s well over a hundred different breeds of dogs and their temperaments vary greatly. While one breed can make your life better, another can… Continue reading So, you think you want a Husky?

What to Start With Your Puppy Right Away…. And What To Hold Off On

Getting a new puppy is exciting! But, it can also be incredibly overwhelming. For weeks you dream of the perfect puppy, and then from the moment you bring them home you suddenly realize just how much work actually goes into raising a puppy. As a trainer here is what I see us do all too… Continue reading What to Start With Your Puppy Right Away…. And What To Hold Off On

6 Tips For a Better Walk

There’s no doubt that having dogs enriches our lives in ways those without dogs couldn’t even imagine. But, owning a dog comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is taking our dogs for daily walks. Taking your dog for walks is one of the best ways to bond with your dog while… Continue reading 6 Tips For a Better Walk

So, you want your dog’s attention? Here are 3 Ways to Make Yourself More Exciting

Have you ever seen another person out with their dog, and they seem to have captivated their dogs full attention? The dog looks up at their human with an excited and happy grin, seemingly unaware of all of their surroundings. It’s as if they are completely uninterested in all the other people, dogs, animals and… Continue reading So, you want your dog’s attention? Here are 3 Ways to Make Yourself More Exciting

The Top 5 Most Important Things to Teach Your Dog

It’s no question that our dogs are capable of learning an impressive array of different tasks. From agility, to herding, to scent work, to trick training – they truly are amazingly intelligent. If you’re anything like me, upon bringing your dog home for the first time you couldn’t wait to start teaching them the fun… Continue reading The Top 5 Most Important Things to Teach Your Dog

Adopt Don’t Shop – Is it really your best option?

So you’ve decided to add a dog to the family. That’s exciting! Dogs are wonderful additions to our lives. Now, you have to decide where you’re going to get a dog. Once you start to tell people you’re thinking of getting a dog, you’re bound to hear someone tell you “adopt don’t shop”. “Adopt Don’t… Continue reading Adopt Don’t Shop – Is it really your best option?